
June 26, 2023

What is Total Digital Management?

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Let’s discuss what is total digital management, what it entails, how it benefits your business and how it correlates to digital asset management. 

Digital Management is the process of maximizing your online presence in your industry or market place. Total Digital Management is the management of your business’s entire online presence, this includes your website, online marketing strategies, SEO, social media platforms, content and anything else that is related to your business and can be found online.  

Total Digital Management also includes the management of all of your digital assets. Your digital assets are anything that has a digital form, is owned by your business and has specific rights of use or admin restrictions. It includes things like your website and social media accounts as mentioned previously but it also includes the data behind your digital presence. For example your back-ups, emails, spreadsheets and all relevant metadata are your business’s digital assets. 

Why is Total Digital Management important?

Imagine each part of your online presence as a puzzle piece of your entire digital presence puzzle for example: your SEO is a piece, social media accounts are another, your website and so on. To form a complete, cohesive puzzle each piece needs to fit together and have a similar aesthetic. If different individuals or companies are responsible for different parts of your digital presence then your brand will not appear as uniform or in sync with each other. Having one organization in charge of your entire digital presence will result in your brand looking organized, sophisticated and consistent. 

What are the benefits of a strong and consistent digital presence?

The main benefit is that your online presence forms a solid base for your brand to launch its idea’s, products and services from, it also provides them with a ‘voice’ to reach its target audience. Social Media forms a huge part of your online presence and your business’s aesthetic, according to a recent article released by Forbes businesses that have social media accounts far outsell their competitors without social media accounts. Why? Because consumers go online before making a purchase in order to help them form their opinion on certain products or services. That is one of the main reasons why having an online presence is so important, it is what consumers use to form an opinion of your brand. Having a positive or negative first impression on new clients comes from your online presence. 

Your online presence can also increase or decrease your profits depending on the impression your presence gives of your business. On average 63 % of all shopping experiences begin with an online search. If your business is not online or has a negative online presence then you are already losing out on more than half your target audience. However if your online presence is positive, with good reviews and easy to find then you have already done half the work before the client has even stepped into your store or clicked on your website. 

Your digital presence also increases your businesses visibility. This simply means your digital presence makes your business easy to find online when people are making searches for your products or services. Your digital presence allows potential clients to find you without you having to do the legwork, and if clients are already searching online for your products or services this means they are ready to make a purchase. You just need to convince them to choose your business to support!

As online shopping and delivery services such as Uber, Grab or Mr Delivery become more popular people are making more of their purchases online. In 2019 there were an estimated 1.92 billion digital buyers which made up 14% of the retail market and it is expected to increase to 22% in 2023. E-commerce is one of the fastest growing industries in the world, in the USA the e-commerce industry grew by 15% between 2019 and 2020. Granted this could have largely been due to Covid-19, however it is expected to grow even more in 2021. 

However due to how popular digital marketing and developing your online presence has become simply being online is no longer enough. The competition online is tremendous as you are not only fighting local stores but international ones as well. Does this mean that it is dominated by global brands that have the most money to spend on adverts? The answer is no! Search engines value quality and relevance over quantity. This means that even if you have spent less than the bigger brands but are more relevant to what the user is looking for, search engines will recommend you first. This means even small businesses stand a fighting chance in the online world, all you need is a digital agency that knows what they are doing.

This is where the Web Anatomy Specialists join your business’s team. Web Anatomy is a full turn-key digital agency that handles all of your business’s online assets. From your website, search engine optimization, social media accounts, content, data and marketing strategies, the Web Anatomy Team has experts in all of these fields which work together to build a strong, dynamic and engaging online presence for your business to succeed. We view our clients successes as our own and pride ourselves in getting to know the businesses we work with on a personal level. 

How else can we market your business as successfully as you would?