
June 26, 2023

Does your website need an upgrade?

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Does your website need an upgrade?

Today Web Anatomy SEO will be discussing how to know if your website needs an upgrade and what are the benefits of upgrading your website. 

First, let’s determine if your website needs an upgrade:

Is your website slow to load? – A website’s loading speed is a vital part of keeping your users engaged. With so many websites to choose from, a slow one will not keep users entertained and will lose visitors very quickly, this will also increase your bounce rate. A bounce rate is how many of your users view one page and then leave. Websites with outdated themes and that are not optimized have a longer loading time. 

Is your website mobile-friendly? – If your website cannot adapt to fit on multiple devices such as tablets and smartphones your business is losing out on more than 50% of consumers performing searches online. In 2020 approximately 60% of searches made online were done using mobile devices. If your website is not mobile-friendly you are halving your target audience before they have even found you! 

Are new visitors converting into sales? – If your sales are not improving or are decreasing this is a sign that they cannot find what they are looking for on your website. It could also mean your website has only old, irrelevant content on it and the design is out of date. With new websites appearing daily, your website needs to stay up to date with the latest trends and stay relevant to its users in order to beat the competition. An old, outdated website cannot compete with new, freshly designed websites. 

Is my search engine ranking not improving? – An old, outdated website will be viewed as unsatisfactory for search engine customers and thus search engines will show your website further down the list of results. If your website has a high bounce rate and few visitors the search engines will see your website as low quality and will not recommend it to its users. 

Are you losing old customers? –  It is recommended that your website content be updated every two to three years, with blogs and posts being updated weekly. Your overall website design, layout, images and themes should be updated every five years. Why? To keep up with your competition, new websites and with new technologies. Your business can lose its customers to better-designed websites, a well-maintained website puts forth the image of a business that cares about its customers, a website that has remained the same for years gives off the appearance of a ‘lazy’ or out of touch business. 

If you answered yes to any of these questions then yes your website is in need of an upgrade! Still not convinced?

Well let’s have a look at the numerous benefits upgrading your website can have on your business and lead conversions:

Improved SEO and Higher Visibility:

An updated website will appear more relevant to search engines, and a website that is relevant is more likely to satisfy the search engines users.Thus search engines are more likely to recommend your website over an out-dated one. This will increase your SEO rankings and with higher SEO rankings your visibility will increase as well. Search engines update their SEO policies and requirements every 6 months, if your website does not keep up with these updates it will quickly fall behind and be deemed out of date by the search engines. SEO needs constant monitoring and updates in order to be effective. 

Leave a Positive Impression of your Business:

As design trends change globally your website needs to keep up with the latest trends in your industry otherwise it will quickly fall behind its competitors. Your website’s design is one of the first impressions your business has on a new client. For example, a website that is difficult to navigate will give the impression of an unorganized business. An out-of-date website gives off the impression of a business that cannot adapt well to changes. A modern, trendy website gives off the impression of a well-organized and reliable business. What impression does your website give off your business?

More Effective Digital Marketing:

On average businesses are allocating 40% of their marketing budgets to Digital Marketing. Why? Because on average every $1 spend on Google Ads results in $2 being earned by the business, the ROI for email marketing is sitting at 122% and marketers using blogs as a marketing tool are reportedly 13 times more likely to have a higher ROI. However, if your website is out of date and not up to customers’ expectations all your digital marketing will go to waste. Thus having an up-to-date website is very important for your digital marketing to be effective and to convert more of your online leads into paying customers. 

Improved Product and Service Delivery: 

As technologies improve so do online order forms and tracking processes. An outdated website may not offer online order forms or the ability for your customers to track their orders. An outdated website will be seen as less trustworthy, especially when ordering something online. For older websites, customers will worry: “Will my order go through?”, “Will it be delivered on time?” and “How can I track my order?” Whereas a new website that has the latest technologies on it will ease their clients’ doubts and seem more trustworthy. 

Increase Speed and Performance:

A new website or up-to-date website will have a quicker loading speed as well as improved performance. Simply because as technology advances so do web development technologies. A large number of new web developments are aimed at lowering load speed on websites. Some common causes of a slow website are an old theme, large images and video files. An updated website will provide various options on how to reduce the size of each element on your website and numerous theme options to choose from. 

Increased Security and decreased Downtime:

Newer versions of websites and coding provide for increased security for your website. Improved security means your website will be less vulnerable to hacking and will decrease your website’s downtime should something go wrong. Newer websites are also easier to back-up and reinstall should your coding be deleted via a hack or by human error. A website that has better security on it is also seen as more secure and safer to use by search engines, which also improves your authority and SEO rankings on search engine results. 

These are just a few of the benefits of updating your website. However, if you are still unsure whether a website upgrade is necessary for your business contact Web Anatomy SEO for assistance. Our dedicated team provides a wide range of audits that can help you determine if an upgrade is necessary and how it can help improve your business goals. For a free no-obligation consultation with one of our experts fill out the form on the contact us page and hit submit, and we will contact you: https://webanatomyseo.com/contact-web-anatomy/